Sunday, August 9, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words....

To those of you who thought we were exaggerating Isaiah's 'bad boy' attitude. These pictures were taken immediately after he was scolded for smearing a half-eaten chocolate cookie all over the hotel windows. He was told to lay in bed and take a nap and these were the looks we got. WE ARE IN TROUBLE. Unfortunately, the Chinese consulate told us it was too late to give him back and then strangely laughed like Dr. Evil.


  1. I will take him off your hands!!!!! That boy can do no wrong in Aunt Andi's eyes. Love that kid.

  2. I'm sure it's not so adorable to yall as you are having to scold him. But to those of us here in the blog-o-sphere....he's absolutely adorable...pouty, mad face and all!

    I can't believe how well yall are able to communicate with him already. He obviously knew that he was in trouble and that he was to stay in bed. God sure orchestrates everything!

    Still praying for yall, Amy

  3. Don't be too hard on him!!! For all he's been through, I would have given my precious new grandson another cookie to do whatever he wants with it! I love every minute of this blog, including all those cute little michievous things you write about, and read it over and over and over. I can't wait until Thurs. night. We will be praying hard for an uneventful trip. Our entire church is praying. love

  4. This grandma agrees with Noni! There's lots of times to train him up when he is home in his own bed, with his new family. Actually, it's a good sign that he has some attitude and isn't too compliant (right now, that is, heh heh!) Everyone is praying for you, dear ones, and we are enjoying every single word and pic that you put online. Thank you, thank you for keeping us in the loop. We love him already!!!!

  5. Ah! Don't feel so bad...
    adorable boys + boundaries = amazing leaders
    I have many books and cds to share with you...
    Love and can't wait to squeeze the little man!!


  6. Wow. I am just grinning ear to ear with watching the videos and looking at your family photos!! God is good. Thank you for sharing how God is at work...We love you guys.
    Meg and Andy
