Sunday, August 16, 2009

Adjusting at Home

Well we made it home on Thursday night (08-14) after 26+ hours of airports and flights...WHEW. Isaiah was very good on the plane (mostly) and LOVES airplanes as much as cars. On our final flight home from Chicago to Jacksonville a passenger had a heart attack and we were diverted to Atlanta for medical treatment. We finally made it to Jax several hours later and completely exhausted...we were met at the airport by about 30 family and friends who stayed late into the night to welcome Isaiah home.
Isaiah is adjusting well to his new home and Maris is so helpful with him. Joanna, Isaiah and I are having a very tough time adjusting to the jet lag and barely sleeping over the past 3 days. Isaiah has met a majority of his new aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents over the weekend and loved them all. The cousins are patient with him, teaching him english words and showing him love.
God has been in every detail through this adoption. It's amazing how Isaiah fits into our family so well. It shows us that the Lord chose him for us and loves him so much. We give God all the praise and all the glory for our new son.


  1. Oh, I just LOVE the picture of Isaiah and Maris. So sweet!

    This is a beautiful beginning! God has worked miracles to bring Isaiah into your family, and His hand will continue to work as Isaiah grows.

    Please keep posting for those of us not in the Jacksonville area!

    Love, Amy

  2. Aunt Janice wants to welcome your son home at last...the blessings you have received are beyond words, just to know that you are all loved so much and so many prayers have been answered by our savior.
    Love to all and I can't wait to meet your son.
    God Bless and watch over you all...
