Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A note from Jo

I give Jesus Christ all the glory and praise! It's amazing to me to be able to see how God has been in the details of Isaiah's adoption. I have such a peace and a joy that can only come from knowing Christ. It's like every prayer we prayed has been answered. Isaiah immediately connected with Mike and I. The first day we met him in the Civil Affairs office he was playing with Mike right away as you can tell from the video we posted. My sister, Beth, prayed specifically that he would connect with Mike. God is so good.

I woke up this morning in complete awe of how much I love Isaiah. I was reading my Bible in Isaiah 43. Isaiah has been institutionalized since birth but God has been with him directing his life. I know Christ has been working in his heart just by the way he has connected with Mike and I. Isaiah goes to the night stand in our hotel and grabs the Holy Bible and sits with it and turns through each page. Oh, how I pray he is a man of God's Word.

He is such a smart little boy. He repeats everything Mike and I say and I feel he is already picking up on English. He has such a great sense of humor and is laughing all the time. He is also such a boy, very mischievous and already pushing the limits to see what he can get away with always with a smile on his face and looking out of the corner of his eyes. Oh, I'm so in love with him.

Thank you all for your prayers. Christ is at work and I can't wait to see what He has in store for Isaiah's life. Maybe he can bring the Gospel back to China someday.

We love all of you so much and can't wait to come home to see all of you.


  1. God is so beautiful and His ways are so wonderfully incomprehensible! We can't wait to see you all together as one family here in the states....

  2. Thank you for your thoughts and beautiful words. There is no doubt he will be an AMAZING man of God!!! He is surrounded by prayer even by people who may never get to meet him in person.....

  3. Oh Jo, I am amazed at this whole experience. Our Lord is so good to us. He knew Isaiah was your son from the day he was born and before. I love the beauty in knowing God had his hand on him and planned for his parents to give him up. You and Mike are his true parents and that is what God intended from the beginning of time. What a story. What a life. I am so greatful to be apart of this. I love you so much and I am so excited for your family.

  4. Jojo, Girl, I love you. I am so encouraged by you and Mike and I am honestly praying for Isaiah to adjust well and have a very boring plane ride back to the states. Ann has done a splendid job of keeping us all updated but I love reading your blog and seeing such sweet pictures. Grace to you.
